1- It is not the strongest or the fastest
that survives, but the one that is best adapted to change. (Darwin)
2- The fish starts rotting at the head. (?)
3- Authority without insight leads to
statements without prospects. (?)
4- The greater the impact of a message on an
audience, the lower will be the percentage remembered from the first time
hearing it.
5- Everything you sweep under the carpet
starts to mold there, until your carpet is so high above the ground that you fall
over it daily.
6- If the locomotive arrives alone, you have
misunderstood the idea of a train.
7- An opinion is worthless as long as it does
not produce an argument.
8- Those who are not part of the solution
become part of the problem. (?)
9- Whoever has a 'why' in life, is capable of
tolerating almost any 'how'. ( Schoppenhauer )
10- Frustration is the fuel of change; but without oxygen (safety) it does not
provide energy.
11- Where information is missing, rumors develop.
12- If top-down information is provided following the hierarchy steps,
confusion and division are the result.
13- An
agreement is an arrangement between parties who, with full preservation of
their freedom, choose to do something in a certain
14- It is not the speed of decision that determines the final speed of
progress, but the speed of decision + execution. (after the Japanese term “ Nemawashi ” - decide slowly and imlement fast)
15- A chicken no longer lays eggs when you
squeeze it too much. Be careful with pressure increase.
16- When change starts with panic, everyone
drifts apart, without direction.
17- If a system is introduced into a culture
that is inadmissible, the system dies.
18- First the relationship, then the content.
19- Anyone who experiences the future as a
headwind usually walks in the wrong direction. (?)
20- "If you keep thinking like you always thought, you will keep having the same problems you
always had." (?)
21- Good goals use the mind and touch the
heart (JP Kotter)
22- A group that disagrees about the goal will
always argue about the next step.
23- Those who cannot do something ,can learn;
those who do not want to do something put themselves out of the game.
24- An
intelligent combination between 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' reinforces involvement
from the bottom up, without compromising on the quality of the result.
25- The
overall quality of a decision is the product of the intrinsic quality and the acceptance of it.
26- "Democracy allows passions free rein, and offers no room for virtue " ( Plato)
27- He who decides, and is sometimes mistaken,
brings more seeds in the crate than he who knew the right way, but lacks any connection
28- " Learning is not a matter of filling a
barrel but lighting a fire " ( Rudolf Steiner)
29- If a hammer is your only instrument, every
problem looks like a nail. (?)
30- Base all your management decisions on the long term, if needed at the expense
of short-term practical or financial disadvantages. (Toyota)
31- Hurry and fear are bad advisors. (?)
32- Trust comes on foot and leaves on horseback. (?)
33- If the leader lets go and gives room to employees, but they don't take it,
then everything will come to a stop.
34- A tilted organization can only work if there is a culture of taking responsibility.
35- Juggling three balls: to get control of the game you have to learn to let go.
36- Individual rewards brings out the worst in people.
37- If you try to stop difficult behavior by emphasizing its nonsense, you
will get more of it. (Brinkman & Kirschner )
38- Brainstorming only works if the
participants do not hinder each other, eg if they work via the Internet (Suzan Cain)
39- Working in a group reduces the activity of the pre-frontal cortex, one goes more with the flow. ( under the influence of the amygdala - fear for rejection) (Suzan Cain)
40- Caring leadership is only relevant when
the related people have lost the capacity for self-care.
41- "The quality of your life is directly
proportional to the quality of the differences you can make." ( Fletcher Peacock )
42- "An insight into the problems is not
absolutely necessary to get change." ( Fletcher Peacock )
43- "Resistance from others is an
indication that you need to show more empathy." ( Fletcher Peacock )
44- Water the plants, not the weeds. - pay attention to what needs to grow. ( Fletcher Peacock )
45- Stop carrying horses, that's bad for your
back! ( Fletcher Peacock )
46- Involvement has to develop before the
solution is ready, not afterwards.
47- Deadlines prevent a healthy assessment of
the costs and benefits of extra input
48- If the motivation and focus are correct,
pressure increase is not effective
49- The organizational culture of a static
organization provides resistance to any change.
50- People are motivated when they begin to
see the contours of the bridge that could span the gap between ' as is ' and ' could be '.
51- Those who use the same arguments that have
convinced themselves for a change, only convince a quarter of their audience
Hugo Der
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